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Bugs, Wishes and Defects
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TOPIC: Bugs, Wishes and Defects

Bugs, Wishes and Defects 26 Ott 2011 10:20 #8

  • ric
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 8
  • Karma: 0
ChordsFun is tested before each release against a comprehensive set of unit tests, and several human-driven tests.
However, neither do all the tests cover the complete software, nor is a combination of possible configurations even attempted.
Moreover, ChordsFun parsing capabilities adopt several strategies but will not be able to automatically manage all human-created files.

Should your source file not be parsed correctly, or not completely, please attach it to your post so that we may teach ChordsFun to understand it.

In the event you should find a bug, please post it directly to our issue tracker if you have access, or post here if you don't.

If you would really like a new function added, first check the issue tracker to see if it's there already, else let us know!
Last Edit: 26 Ott 2011 14:49 by ric.
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