
LDIF Doctor

Download LDifDoctor2.zip (400Kb)

LDIF Doctor is an essential tool for transforming LDIF data.

A typical scenario for using LDIF (LDAP Interchange Format) files is to populate an LDAP server with contacts off your local Mozilla Thunderbird or Microsoft Outlook Address Book

LDIF Doctor helps make the LDIF thunderbird exports compatible with LDAP.

It will also assist in transforming an entity into another.

Let's look at the interface first:



After you expand the installation files to you disk, you need to

  1. Load the LDIF file you exported from Thunderbird
  2. Write down your LDAP server's BaseDN
  3. Choose a transformation if you wish to have MozillaAbPersonAlpha converted to INetOrgPerson for example. You may define your own transformations in the ini files.
  4. Press the Fix button
  5. Save to a new file.

The exported file should import to the LDAP server with a few limitations:

  1. Commands other than insert, such as replace,  delete, changetype are not supported
  2. Base64 dn: values are not handled completely
  3. Duplicates are not handled if extended characters are present.
  4. Usually can import over 99% of an LDIF file



Credits go to http://www.sudleyplace.com/LDAP/index.en.html and http://code.activestate.com/recipes/476224/

LDIF Doctor is freeware © Riccardo Zorn - TMG 2008


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